Healthy Communities Grants_for projects in 2025

This is a preview of the Healthy Communities grant application_2025 projects form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Guidelines and Eligibility

* indicates a required field.


To be considered eligible for this grant you must read and agree to the eligibility guidelines listed in section 2 below.

Incomplete applications will not be considered and applications cannot be submitted after the closing date/time.

If you have any questions in regards to these eligibility criteria, please contact:

Rhonnie South

T: 4474 1296


I confirm that I have read the Guidelines and that this application meets all program requirements * Required

Eligibility for a Eurobodalla Healthy Communities Grant

Applications must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Your group needs to be not-for-profit and either incorporated or able to prove that they are a bona fide Eurobodalla based community group. 
  • Your group can contribute some financial support or volunteer labour to the activity. 
  • Your group can show that it has adequate insurance coverage for the activity.
  • Your group does not have any outstanding debts to council. 
  • Your group considers environmentally friendly options and resources.

Your group will use the grant to achieve one or more of the following outcomes in your local community: 

  • makes a positive contribution to the community
  • encourages people in the Eurobodalla to be healthy and active 
  • celebrates cultural diversity and inclusion
  • provides opportunities for volunteering and / or social interaction 
  • improves access to information, a service or a facility  
  • improves community safety
  • improves access and / or encourages people with disability to participate
  • teaches or develops a new skill
  • helps the community in bushfire/disaster recovery
  • builds community resilience

Grant funding is not available for:

  • rental costs, i.e. room or venue hire
  • annual running costs e.g. insurance, incorporation fees
  • improvement works on private property
  • individuals.

Successful applicants are required to:

  • Provide bank details for electronic transfer of funds
  • Sign and comply with the funding agreement accepting the conditions of funding

Selection priority

Applications will be assessed on merit and available funding.

Activities that have been previously funded by Eurobodalla Shire Council Healthy Communities Grants or applications from Government-funded organisations will be viewed as a low priority.

I confirm that the application meets the eligibility criteria described above, and I acknowledge the selection priority * Required